Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10 Short Quotes about Guests

1. If it were not for guests all houses would be graves. ~ Kahlil Gibran

2. Visits always give pleasure - if not the arrival, the departure. ~ Portuguese Proverb

3. Fish and visitors smell in three days. ~ Benjamin Franklin

4. Hospitality is making your guests feel at home, even if you wish they were. ~ Unknown Author

5. A pretty woman is a welcome guest. ~ Lord Byron

6. It is equally offensive to speed a guest who would like to stay and to detain one who is anxious to leave. ~ Homer

7. The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest. ~ Edouard Rene Lefebure Laboulaye

8. When hospitality becomes an art, it loses its very soul. ~ Max Beerbohm

9. Mankind is divisible into two great classes: hosts and guests. ~ Sir Max Beerbohm

10. To be an ideal guest, stay at home. ~ Edgar Watson Howe